Monday, February 27, 2012


Title n Author: A Lost Love n Tangled Hearts by Carole Mortimer
Genre: Romance
Publisher: Harlequin Mills Boon

A Lost Love ~ Three years after she thought she had lost him for ever, Brooke had met Rafe Charlwood again – and had fallen in love with him all over again. Although he seemed to be responding, he made it clear his feeling was only wanting, not love. Could Brooke ever reach him? And could she ever tell him her secret?

KOMEN AKU ~ lawak cerita ni sebab Brooke pernah kehilangan Rafe sebelum ini tapi selepas 3 tahun, Brooke buat extreme make-over pada dirinya..dan dia merupakan pewaris harta makcik Rafe..sebab  semasa hayatnya Brooke yang selalu menjaga dia..dan selepas kematian makcik Rafe, Rafe kembali jatuh cinta pada Brooke..

Tangled Hearts ~ Sarah shook her head, ‘I can’t –‘
‘Marry me. I know,’he dismissed harshly. ‘How about an affair, could you live with that?’
She paled at the contempt in his voice. ‘You aren’t even trying to understand –‘
‘Oh, but I understand perfectly. I’m good enough to have an affair with, but not as a husband!’

KOMEN AKU ~ ini pun lawak jugak. sebab cinta pada mereka datang tanpa diduga. sarah merupakan maid dan seorang yang sedar diri. apabila majikannya nampak dia pada suatu hari, dia mula mengorat sarah..

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